We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events will affect you in the future. You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here.

You watch the moving images, and they speak to you my friend. They speak in the language of cinema. In fact, all platforms and genres of moving image media share this common vernacular, the form of cinema. Cinematic moving images are the de-facto language of the twenty-first century and the medium is certainly the message.
Yet we come to find that this penetration of the cinematic extends beyond media studies… into the realm of consciousness. Each screen is a bright rectangular window onto the immaterial sphere of your collective dreams, my friend, your individual imaginations, and – increasingly – your only window of access to the material world.
These “bright rectangles” create their own ecosystem, one that is entangled with our very physical and material space. This interpenetrating sphere of of the cinematic is connected by movie screens, television, computers, tablets, projections, displays and phones: objects that are now ubiquitous extensions of the body, embedded in your everyday environment.
If these screen – these windows onto another plane of existence – are a part of you, my friend, are you aware of the role they play in determining the nature of your consciousness… or are you oblivious to their machinations? Do the motifs and symbols projected into your mind’s eye influence your perception of reality? Could they in fact shape your reality?
That would certainly give new meaning to the term “movie magic,” now wouldn’t it?